lighting tips

Five Common Home Lighting Mistakes

Five Common Home Lighting Mistakes

There are plenty of ways to give new life to your home through lighting design; however, there are also a few common mistakes that can keep your lighting from truly making your home shine. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to revamp their lighting design only to feel like something is missing in the end. If there appears to be a void or a piece missing in your home’s lighting design, here are five common lighting mistakes you may be making: 1. No Control Over Your Lights It may sound simple, but light dimmers, motion sensors, timers and automated systems all help you stay in control...


The Three Basic Types of Lighting

The Three Basic Types of Lighting

There are three basic types of lighting that work together in your home: Ambient (general lighting) Task Accent A good lighting plan combines all three types to light an area according to function and style. Ambient lighting provides an area with overall illumination. Also known as general lighting, it radiates a comfortable level of brightness without glare and allows you to see and walk about safely. In some spaces such as laundry rooms, the ambient lighting also serves as the primary source of task lighting. It can be accomplished with chandeliers, ceiling or wall-mounted...