Outdoor lighting enhances the beauty of your property and makes your home more secure.A well-lit entrance enables you to greet guests. Wall lanterns on each side of the door will provide a warm, welcoming look, while assuring safety. under a porch or other overhang you can use recessed close-to-ceiling or chain hung fixtures.
A separate rear entrance can be lighted with a wall lantern installed over the keyhole. To conserve energy, consider using high-intensity discharge or compact fluorescent light sources like mercury vapor or high pressure sodium.
For safety and security, install a wall fixture on the garage. Fixtures equipped with high-pressure sodium bulbs will provide more light.
Low-level path lights, which spread circular patterns of light, will brighten the walkway, while highlighting nearby flower beds and shrubs. Low level path lights can also be used for long driveways.
Use mini-lights under steps, railing or benches.
Dark-Sky Friendly Lighting Tip
In order to prevent unwanted glare from your outdoor lighting, use bulbs with reasonable illumination levels. You may also use full cut-off fixtures to direct the light down towards the ground, where it is needed, rather than being cast to the side or up towards the sky, where it is wasted.